I've been playing so many adventure games, but never become so irritated like this game. The running is total lame, the scene is totaly borring, the action is amazingly borring! When i try to move scully to run around the town, i felt like dragging a sick fat lady who has overweight belly. So slow!
I was looking for this game for long time, finaly happy to bought one. But when i played it, i got totally dissapointed. And what the heck that autopsy thingy?
compare to Silent Hill series, Resident Evil serries, Farrenheit or even the borring Da Vinci Code, this game is totaly nonsense!
It just me, or the game realy suck?
Other Helpful Reviews for The X-Files: Resist or Serve
Vivendi Universal is the latest game developer to jump on the X-File's wave, and boy, do they ride it to new heights! If you enjoyed the X-files PC game, then there's something wrong with you . Ok, ok, it was alright, b... Read Full Review
The game has a bit of trouble with character handling and level geometry. Going through doors and other areas can be a problem because the start and stop of where the walls begin and end are not very well defined and you... Read Full Review