I always think X-Files is a good TV show to be adapted to games, because it has fascinated stories and characters. When they announced that Resist or Serve will be published, I was excited. And when I played it, to tell the truth, I was a little disappoint. The story is as good as TV series, and sound, music are great too. However, the game control is awkward, and camera angles are horrible. Thanks to above-mentioned two reasons, fighting the boss becomes hard (it supposed to be easy if the game doesn't have those defects). Graphics is so-so. You can say it's terrible if compete with other survival games. The animation is disappoint, too. When I played it I thought, "This is the game which costs two years to make?" They tried to make it like an episode. That's true, it's did like an X-Files episode, actually it's more like Fight the Future. But it didn't master key elements of a game, and it imitates Resident Evil too much. Why so many zombies? They can come up better ideas. If there is another X-Files game, I hope they can consider making it an advernture game, not an action-adventure. Apprently they can't compete with Resident Evil or Fatal Frame series, so don't persist on this type. At least they don't need a band of zombies in adventure game. They can make a game like Still Life. That would be great.
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