Don't get me wrong. This isn't going to get any awards, but I liked it.
User Rating: 7.5 | Theme Hospital PC
Building up a hospital was never going to be a hit genre for a game. It would be seriously repetitive, it would be very boring and it would either be really hard or really easy. So it was no surprise to me when I saw Theme Hospital sitting on the shelf at HMV untouched by anybody stupid enough to buy it and it was only £4.99. I was foolish enough to cast my mind back about three years earlier when my frien had had it and I'd played on it once or twice. So I bought it. I didn't expect to play on it for any serious amount of time, but I still bought it. And after playing on it for a while, I realised that I actually didn't mind all that much watching people getting their heads popped open or people puking all over a hospital floor. I played on the first seven levels or something before discovering the incredible difficulty in the latter parts of the game. It was frustrating, but I just kept playing the earlier levels and just had some fun playing on it. It took me a full two weeks before I gave up, but I still play on it for the fun factor that I will never be able to explain.