Great Classic or overdone?
The thing I liked most about it was the fact you could build your own park, but you were also in complete control, you researched the rides, you bought stock for the shops, decided how much sugar, salt etc to put in things.
When I tried the psone version all this seemed to be missing, now I'm not sure if I was playing on the easy levels or what, but I was really disappointed.
So once I bought the ds version I was really to find that lot back in.
I find this game highly addictive, its not enough just to make enough money and get your park value up, I need all the best rides, best staff, best everything!
There is more to do than you would think in this game, first you have to place your rides and shops, and you really have to do this well, then decide what to charge in the shop, how much whatever to put in your product, next you have to remember to keep ordering stock.
The staff is basic, you hire someone and pay them, this was the same as the original version, but I think it would've been better if we were given more people to choose from, with different wages and abilities.
You also have to research into new things if you are playing the full mode, this means rides, upgrading your rides, upgrading staff, etc, you have to decide how much of your budget to put into resaerch and what to put it in to.
All in all I would say this game is perfect for the ds, the controls are very easy, although a little annoying as you have to tick instead if just touching the one you want, but when placing you just touch with the stylus, its very easy to pick up, but not so easy to put down! Its very much like the first one I played, so if you've played it before and not enjoyed it, don't bother, but if you've played i before and loved it then this is the game for you.