Not a bad game, not a great game, but a good game.
It kept my attention for a time, until it became really hard. I did have some issues with the functionality after the latest update, but when it worked, it was responsive. The controls, a little strange, but they worked. Unfortunately they cut levels out of the free version and are trying to force people to pay for it. In my opinion, and only in my opinion, they should probably work on the presentation of the game, and then charge for that instead.
So, I would not look forward to updates on the free version, they may cut some more levels out! lol
Unfortunately for Greek Mythology fans, this doesn't exactly have much story, or feel like you are getting anywhere. On the plus side, if you're looking for a good puzzler to toil your time away with before hitting the flusher and moving on with your life, this may be it.
Verdict? (Hate, Date or Marry)
Date - Take it out for a spin. Have fun, enjoy yourself, and don't feel too bad when you realize that you don't have a future together.