Having recently finished this game (within the last 48 hours), I figured I had better getting my thoughts down while they are still fresh in my mind. So, in not too many words, here is why I recommend this game to all true fans of the 'Stealth' genre. Let me start by saying that I am not a 'Thief' veteran. I am really only a console gamer, and therefore haven't played (or even heard much of) the first two games. My only expectations for this game come from the fact that I have played through DE:IW (another Ion Storm XBOX title), so I am somewhat familiar with this teams work. What I found is that this game, much like DE:IW, is a somewhat flawed gem that really stands outside of comparison to other games in it's class. This is not a 'Stealth/Action' game by any means; it is in fact the purest example of what a 'Stealth' (minus the action) game can be. Most of my friends ask, "Well, was it better than 'Splinter Cell'?" While on the surface they appear similar, Thief really was refreshingly different in a lot of ways. The levels, as opposed to being strictly linear, were very large with multiple objectives that could be done in any order the player saw fit. In addition, these main 'levels' were all connected by a large 'City' that one could sneak around and perform side quests. These aspects truly added to an overall sense of freedom unique to this genre. And if you like a good story, rest assured the team over at Ion Storm does not disappoint in this regard. Thief's plot is as rich as that found in 'Invisible War'. Nuff said on that (I hate spoilers). Graphically, as I am sure you have already read, it is a mixed bag. Great shadows marred by poor character animation (think Morrowind), frame rate issues, and somewhat weird collision detection. If you have played DE:IW you already know what I mean. Though I must admit, none of these aspects hindered the game play experience in a major way. They ultimately ended up being just minor annoyances. Is this game for everyone? No, I don't think so. It has an extremely deliberate pace (read .. SLOW), can be unforgiving (especially on higher difficulty levels), & takes some time to get going. But for the gamer who can appreciate this kind of experience, their really is nothing I can compare it to. For better or for worse, this game stands alone (though I like to think it is for the better).
Finally! They come out with a game where you can steal stuff and kill people and monsters. And heres another good, bad, and ugly review. Good: The graphics are awesome, you can pickpocket people easily (better than Mo... Read Full Review
When i got Thief III, i'd never tried the previous two. It was a completely new thing to me which i happened to buy because it was cheap. And i have to say, it was one of the best decisions ive ever made. From just play... Read Full Review