One of my favorite games of all time.
Let me just tell you that not only does Deadly Shadows live up to the Thief name, but it surpasses the original Thief in almost every way. That may seem like a strong statement, but Deadly Shadows is one of the best games of the year. It takes the stealth formula of Splinter Cell(with a bunch of unique extras)and sets it in the medieval era. The game has a Hollywood-movie quality storyline that adds amazing plot twists at every turn and keeps you glued to the controller.
The voice-overs are delivered almost flawless. Garrett's voice is especially delivered very well and fits the characters attitude and dark sense-of-humor perfectly. The graphics are very good, although not as good as some X-BOX games, but they portray the Thief world perfectly. Characters are nicely detailed, as are weapons, and the scenery is well-designed.
The gameplay is definitely the games strongest point. The controls are smooth and easy to figure out and you can easily have Garrett do tasks such as blackjack people, shoot arrows, pick up loot, sneak past guards, etc. The game is the most fun during missions, when you have a certain number of objectives you have to complete and to complete some of the objectives, you have to figure out small puzzles and such. It's a lot of fun finding the objectives(especially on Expert where the objectives never end).
I've beaten the game three times since I've gotten it. Once on Easy, and then Normal, and last Expert, and I wouldn't mind playing it again. Gamers that loved The Dark Project will probably worship this game and even gamers that hated The Dark Project might want to give this game a chance. A game this good shouldn't be missed by anyone.