A good game, but nothing special
Thief Deadly shadows has some great missions 'House of the Widow Moria' is a good intresting game, and 'Shalebridge cradle' which is properbly one of the the most spookiest missions i have ever played and it has the 'Thief' feeling to it.
A new feature in this game is freeroam, Garrett gets to roam around the city and it's districts in between missions, and loot citizens this is a good new feature but it could be MUCH better, if the districts were larger and more in-depth by that i mean more houses to break in.
Also, when i read the manual i saw 'side quests' for the apagans or Hammers, i got excited and thought that these will be in-depth missions, but this was reduced to buring or plating a tree and killing zombies in a graveyard, a bit of a let down to be honest.
The game is also too easy, even on hard i could finish all the missions in the space of five hours, the missions should be longer and objectives harder.
Overall, Thief Deadly Shadows is a good game, but it could be better.