Thief Lupin! Review By GrandTheftKing1

User Rating: 4 | Thief Lupin! IOS
In this game you set out on a wierd, wierd castle steeling dumb jools that are hard to get. It was sucha waste of time that I deleted it after like 3 min of playing. If you think I can't judge a game in three minutes, then go a head and waste your own time. It's stupid because when you get a long way threw, your basicly stuck at a place where every time you jump you hit a chainsaw. Not very cool is it to me I have to say. You have to get pionts to unlock another suit, pretty cool... But, there is only one. Not 2 or 3, just one old plain suit.

As you can tell by my review, I wasn't overly satisfied by this game. I was kinda looking forward to seeing or playing a game and reviewing it like i allways do, but it kinda let me down on this one. My reviews are useally full of the positive... but, no positive for ya on this one. If you havn't played this game before you read this and you were going to get... don't bother on it.

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