Thirty Flights of Loving continues the spirit of Gravity Bone in that it is a trippy experience that you won’t always know what is going on but want to know more and push on. Where it falls short was that unlike in Gravity Bone there wasn’t as much actual gameplay. In Gravity Bone I had to find items or people; plant devices; spike drinks; etc. In Thirty Flights of Loving it was a much more straight line of keep going straight and watch what happens. You were more a passenger than a participant. That being said the game still had a very good way of telling a story in a short time. It cut to different parts of time out of order and still manages to give enough info so you can piece together the narrative. There was also a great use of comedy and made me think of No One Lives Forever in this regard. The lighting was well done as was the clean and crisp objects. The people were poor but it was also a stylistic choice. The music was great and in the absence of dialogue helped tell the story as well. The end credits sequence was very original in that you are walking through a museum and the different art pieces are the various credits.
I played Thirty Flights of Loving on Linux using Wine. It never crashed on me and I didn’t notice any glitches. There were two options for texture filtering; four options for AF; nineteen other graphics options and a vsync option. Alt-Tab worked. You could manually save at any time and had nineteen save slots.
Game Engine: id Tech 2
Save System: Manual (any time)
Disk Space Used: 175.4 MB
Settings Used: All Highest; 16x AF; 1080P
GPU Usage: 5-25 %
VRAM Usage: 481-524 MB
CPU Usage: 5-9 %
RAM Usage: 1.8 GB
I still found Thirty Flights of Loving a good experience but I wished it had more to do. I finished the game in fourteen minutes and paid $6.56 CAD for it. I would say the value was fair and it was enjoyable albeit a little less than Gravity Bone.
My Score: 7.5/10
My System:
AMD Ryzen 5 2600X | 16GB DDR4-3000 CL15 | MSI RX 580 8GB Gaming X | Mesa 20.3.4 | Samsung 970 Evo Plus 500GB | Manjaro 20.2.1 | Mate 1.24.1 | Kernel 5.11.2-1-MANJARO | Wine 6.3 | DXVK 1.7.3L-03f11ba