I miss Activision! Now they know how to make Marvel games! Don´t waste your time with SEGA´s!
User Rating: 2 | Thor: God of Thunder X360
No matter what with every new awesome Marvel movie, comes a bad Marvel game by SEGA! period. I miss ACTIVISION, they were the best when it comes to Marvel games! Since Iron Man, SEGA haven´t done a SINGLE GOOD Marvel game, they all has been disastrous. SEGA try to copy other games´ engines and fail everytime, and not to mention the graphics, they´re horrendous for today´s standards, poor development, and bad scripts. The gameplay is never fluid and their games are repetitive, always. There´s absolutely nothing good from this company which used to give us some kick ass games back in the 90´s when it comes to Marvel, they seriously need toimprove their graphics and engines to make any Marvel game worth playing, because so far SEGA has been a total letdown. And to think the next one is gonna be Captain America! Oh boy!