Not that wonderful of a game. Too repetative.

User Rating: 3 | Thrillville XBOX
This game was made out to be like Roller Coaster Tycoon which are some really good games. But once I rented it and played it for about 30 minutes, I realized that it is barely anythinglike it at all. The whole "create your own character thing" is so stupid. You don't need to create your own character to build roller coasters. This game is also way to easy. I didn't find it challenging enough to even consider buying off of the bargain bin. This is an okay game and it has some things that are like RCT but I dont recomend buying this game. If you want to play it then borrow it from a friend or just rent it and see for yourself how bored you get after about 30 minutes of playing this. The sound is also all messed up and you don't ven hear music all that much. It's not even your wn music if you do hear any.