Overlooked and highly underrated.
For some reason, I never got into the Diablo series, but this game (widely noted as something of a diablo clone) had me hook, line and sinker.
I played every day for HOURS, checking out every little detail and aspect of the game. Re-played it many, MANY times with different samurai setups and different clans. Even did a little online play, but I admit, it just wasn't my thing.
The solo game is fantastic. I immensly enjoyed each play-through.
Loved the story, and the characters (of whom, most were real people. How cool is that!). Everything from the customizing of items, to the spell trees, to the tactics (after you customize them). To this day, I consider Throne of Darkness to be one of the most enjoyable games I've ever played.
Infact, I'm about to start another play-through, lol
I only hope that someday they make a sequel to this awesome game.
Pros: Immersive. Customizable items. Not hard to learn how to play. Multiplayer optional. Good story. Fun action. Utilizes many of the supernatural creatures from Japanese mythology.
Cons: Nothing that really bothered me.
I could see some things might bother some other people though, like...
Lots of micro-managing (not necessary, but somewhat)
Very similar to Diablo 2 (more of a nitpick, really).
Compared to modern standards, the graphics are sub-par... but the game IS 10 years old. (it's age could be a pro, actually. Since the system requirements are very low compared to current standards).
Had to give this game a 10. As much enjoyment as I've gotten out of it, and how much I still love it. Considering it's age, I (in good conscience) couldn't knock points off for shortcomings of the technology of the time it was made.
So, let's hope for a sequel :-)