If you'd clone Diablo, then at least copy the good parts!!
The game is actually simple. You are to rid the place of evil ala Feudalism style. You kill enemies for looting and raising stats.
The loot you have gathered can then be used for customizing your equipment or offering them to the gods to gain additional skill points. And speaking of skill points, The wizard seems the only one you need to give a bit of a thought when you distribute your gained points. Will it be fire magic? Thunder? a balance of Earth and Water? Its all up to you. But for other characters, brute force is what they all need. Because of this, it becomes more naive and too simplistic.
One particular thing that impressed me, in a way, is the enemies. Though not as good as Diablo in terms of character details, it has a variety of enemies that you'd encounter that are unique.
I gave it a score of 7 because it reminds me of Diablo which is my fave game and the developers tried to mimic it. Though not that successful, there is still this taste that may compel you, even just a bit, to try to appreciate and play this game. Just to past time :)
So in my opinion, play this game when you got nothing else to play. Plus Its pretty cheap nowadays not to mention ancient ;)