This game used to be good fun back in the days. However, as time passed the members in CipSoft (company running the game) changed. Things changed from good to bad and from bad to worse. They first removed all in-game Gamemasters, allowing botters to freely roam the lands of Tibia. And unlike in other games, botters greatly harm the community. First, they destroyed the economy, no fair player could ever afford any rare item. It would require many years of gaming, luck and doing only profitable hunting. Second, if you play a PvP world, it is almost a requirement for you to bot, otherwise you cannot compete. Their levels are much superior to you. Or then again, it would take years of gaming and guess where botters are years later... yep, again much higher.
They developed an anti-bot system in-game that should automatically delete botters, but instead it deletes few very low levels a month and lets rest cheat freely. It has also deleted a fair number of fair players, who never touched a cheating tool. I mean, what professional company destroys years of work of a fair, paying customer?!
Their customer support is the worst. No phone number to call, send them email and they respond with automatic emails and copy paste texts. They won't even try to hear what you're saying. They ignore every bit of your email. This has been witnessed several times by anyone who has tried to contact CipSoft.