tiger woods is a very fun game. there is just soo much to do. create your own golfer, instant action with stroke play best ball and more, mlti player, tournaments, win people, play against the oldies and more. it just goes on and on. even if you get bored youll start playing it again in a few weeeks. its just one of those games. i love it. everytime i beat it i just make a new character and its like a whle new game everytime. and multiplayer is just as good or even better than single player. you can play with your friends family or what ever and its amazing. you can also throw in some bots and you can all share one controller. and in single player. buy atributtes and new equipment to get youre golfer to be the next tiger woods...!
I have never played golf in real life, and have never liked to watch it on television too. But I have always loved to play miniature golf with my family and friends, but that's an another story. I havn't played so muc... Read Full Review
I have always kept up with the Tiger Woods Franchise, and each year it has become better, but not this time. Tiger '06 is still a good golf game but the changes made from 05 to 06 dont really cut it for me. The New S... Read Full Review