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User Rating: 4.8 | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 WII
Tiger woods PGA tour 07. First off the game is interesting if you are a cow, the only thing good about it is how the grass looks, sadly the grass only looks good around you'r ball. The trees are blocky and have no true life animation. On the possitive side you really do get a good feeling of the golfing experiance, you swing the Wii-mote as if you were swinging a golf club, the bad thing is is that if you are no good at golf you probably wont be any good at the swinging mechanics. The people at EA must have seen this coming though, they on the easy difficulty you won't be slicing and dicing you'r way down the course, you will hit it strait and only strait, now that is good and bad in so many ways. If you are wanting to draw around a tree or something you have to have it on any difficulty other than easy, so if you make a mistake and hit you ball into the trees you will either be swinging like mad and hopeing for a lucky bounce or you'll just quit. Also puting it on easy serverly dumbs the game down way to much. Also the online and multi-player season modes are missing, I can accept the online stuff, but why take the multi-player season away. My last beef about Tiger Woods 07 for the nintendo Wii is , the utter lack of content that was abundant on the xbox and ps2 versions, half of the clubs, shirts, pants, ect. are missing from the Wii.