The Emperor has NO clothes! if you look hard enough
Fact one, it Is the SAME game as all the other tiger woods games with a couple of bits taken out and some minor additions (Some of which were already in 05 and 06 and have now been put back in).
Fact Two: all the other sites reviewing this game dare not give the title a bad review, they rely to much on EA for revenue and exclusive coverage and to upset the machine that is EA would be to dangerous for them, so instead they give good scores and make subtle comments like "it feels like 05 and 06 together", Meaning its the SAME game!!!.
Fact Three: The gameplay is awful, what do you actually do in this game apart from pull and and push forward on the analogue stick??, there is hardly and thinking done in any shots at all and you get left with a feeling of watching a interactive DVD. Dont get me wrong the graphics are great and the cut scenes are nice if you like that sort of thing. The create a golfer is very in depth and there are lots of game options. but the basic gameplay has not changed in 5 years
Fact Four: If you have never bought a tiger woods game then this is a 7/10 game and for the depth of options a worthly purchase if you have owned other TW games then don' t fall for all the propaganda that Ea and the magazines keep spreading each year.
Take a long hard look at your TW 07 game and compare it to the other TW games like 05 or 06 then look at 35 pound coins or 40 bucks and you will begin to realise that the Emperor really does not have any clothes on!.