Video game golf at it's best......almost.

User Rating: 8 | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 X360
Tiger Woods is clearly the most dominant player in golf today, but the Xbox 360 version of his annual game leavs a little to be desierd. Graphics:
Tiger and the rest of the crew look better than ever. This is clearly the best looking TW game to date. Player models are great and the courses are as crisper than ever before. The trees, which were some of my major complaints from older games, actually look like they have depth to them. Gone are the days of "flat" looking trees.

EA has added and dropped may different takes on the game of golf. However this year the 360 seems to have been shorted again. This version only carries 12 courses while the Xbox and PS2 versions get more. This is not to say that it isn't fun, it's fun on a smaller number of courses. The addition of the aiming circle this year is a needed device. The laser like precision that was available in previous versions led to laughable scores, but the aiming circle somewhat takes care of that. As you begin your career you will likely be frustrated with the frequent misses. When you become a better player your ability to put the ball where you want it increases.

This is a great game for the TW and golf fans, and for anyone who is looking for some good old golf sim fun. TW07 has made some big steps from the first 360 iteration. I'm hopping that EA continues to improve the game and add courses and options.