Links Fan Likes Tiger
As far as the gentleman in the other review complained of, the crowd not moving out of the way and getting hit, and that being unrealistic, well, it's not like a golf ball is the size of a football, and is easy to track to avoid. I have seen people moving out of the way in proper response, and of course sometimes getting hit, so I haven't seen anything to complain about in that aspect.
The "left" hand analog for swinging is cool by me, I prefer it, and is like Links, and Outlaw Golf 2, I didn't like Outlaw Golf 1, because it made me use the right analog stick, so that is a preference thing, some will like it, some not, and the rest will adapt.
As far as the nitty gritty of golf, I don't know enough about it to surmise the technical aspects of the game, however, I can say, tha tif you are a Links fan, looking to harbor your golf fix, Tiger Woods 2007 will not disappoint you, it is a good game, and wel lworth the expenditure.
Niow about the Live download extras we have to pay for, well, that's nothing new, and as with most games, we have to put up with it. It is my opinion taking advantage of us, which is why it is an option for us to chose to purchase such downloads, it's a drag I know, but I don't see anyone even considering changing that "rip off", and yes, it is a shame. EA in my opinion has to evolve at a quicker pace with their games (all of them) because in the near future, a competitor is going to grab their honey pot, and leave them wondering what went wrong, when it's obvious, they just got lax in their commitment to be the ultimate game. I am a 2K fan at heart, and even they need to improve. By the way, who's better? Well, 2K definitely has the basketball title between the two, football? 2k beat thenm out with 2K5 easily, and the hockey is simply a matter of opinion, I myself played both, and stuck with 2K, but that isn't because I am a 2k head, again, it is simply preference, nothing more, nothing less.
Enjoy this game, it has a lot to offer, it is a good game, that will not disappoint.
Seeeee ya