GameSpot Called it...Not enough courses

User Rating: 8.4 | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 X360
The only real knock against this game that I have is that I paid 20% more (from $50 to $60) for 40% less game (from 21 courses to 12 courses). This is beyond poor. And having to pay extra for features that are available for free on the cheaper versions? WTF? Otherwise, the rating would be higher. Also, the online play is still not as easy or as intuitive as other 360 games. I do have a petty gripe about the apparel items. In '06 you could buy an item, but then transfer the points that the item gave you to a different item. This allowed you to dress your character however you wanted without interfering with game play. In '07 they have removed this, making my character have to have either lower stats, or wear knickerbockers. Which is lame.
Besides those complaints the game is a good one. I really liked the increase in realism from the '06 version. The target circle makes the game harder, and more realistic. Which in my opinion is an improvement. I never liked the Tiger Vision, and the GameBreaker features that were in previous versions. And it has been removed in this version.