Tiger ‘07 is a welcome slice of golfing action on the ‘360.
The PGA Tour series has been going for a number of years now and it is good to see that it still delivers a fine game of golf. The golf swing is neatly translated to the ‘360 control sticks and feels just right. The inclusion of simple fade, draw & spin with the new “target zone” aiming is a welcome improvement. Tiger’07 also features an excellent character development mode which sees you trying to improve your character’s skills by competing in a wide variety of different events.
The courses are beautifully presented and look fantastic on an HD TV. The player character models are excellent with some cool customisable animations. The character creation engine also allows you to create an avatar with an amazing variety of renders and textures. I have been critical of EA’s Trax in the past, but here it actually works really well with some fine tunes to accompany the golf. The voice, crowd and ball sound effects are all fine, with each drive featuring a particularly satisfying “whomp”!
Tiger ’07 delivers a large array of different game modes from training mini-games to full tournaments that will keep players occupied for some time. Tiger also features a well designed multiplayer that includes a welcome variety of game modes. It is, however, disappointing to be short changed in having 9 fewer courses than the PS2 and Xbox versions. In addition, EA have done themselves no favours by being quite cynical with the Marketplace add-ons as well.
Tiger ’07 is a genuinely enjoyable sports game, and plays a fine game of golf. The character creation & development, multiplayer options and variety of game modes make this an essential purchase for any golf or sports game fan.