Good game but takes time getting used to!
The visuals for the game also surprised me becuase everything looked better than the original Xbox. I was also happy to hear that the game would use 480p and widescreen to make the game just that much better.
Now about playing the game for myself. When I picked up the game and first popped it in the console I was really excited to expierence a new way of playing golf. But I was immiediatly dissapointed when I was trying to swing in the first tutorial. I would make my full swing but then Tiger Woods would come down on his down speed when I did not want him to which made for a terrible shot. I tried it again and again but was still dissapointed. I started yelling at the game becuase I was not expieienceing what I have been dreaming of for a golf game for the Wii. Then came putting which I found to be very forgiving and pretty easy. After a while I finally was figuring out how to swing and get a straight shot. You really dont even make a golf swing, You bring back the controller a little bit and then your golfer brings it back. I think the game senses your power on the downswing. After a while of playing I was finnally getting some decent scores. As for the visuals, the game looks really good for a Wii game and supports 480p and widescreen which was a big plus. Everything in the game looks fuller and more complete then a PS2 game.
The audio is ok but the announcers really bug me when they make unwanted complaints of how you need to hurry up.
I hope they make improvements for 08 in the swing area and everything else. This game will upset you for a little bit but will be funner after you figure out the annoying swing mechanic.