
User Rating: 4.2 | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 WII
How could can a game be when the final comment is "Eh."

This game is OK, I guess. it's really different from every other golf game I've played on the Wii. I guess it all boils down to this: Super Swing Golf is a golf game for people who are good at video games, not golf. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 is a golf game for people that are good at golf, not video games.

I really want to like this game. I don't have all kinds of money to throw at the Wii and I really don't want to waste $50. So I'm really trying to like this game.

Ok, the first thing I did was try to create a golfer that looked like me. Uh, not gonna happen. The professional golfers kinda sorta look like the people they're portraying, but trying to replicate someone with this facial editor is complicated. You have SO much control over facial features... I think you have TOO MUCH control. Everything ends up looking wrong. And I wear glasses... forget about it. You can't even add glasses to your golfer if you wanted to. (In the end, everyone ends up looking kinda ugly.)

After I settled on what I thought looked enough like me to NOT be confused with Tiger Woods, I went through the tutorials on swinging and headed out onto the links.

When I first tried to golf... it kept swinging before I was done. Um, ok. Maybe I just have to alter my swing and "get used to" this swing mechanic... I hought this was going to be easier than Super Swing Golf... it's not. it's much much MUCH harder. My opinions changed over time and after some "tweaking" of how I play the game. Initially, I thought: "This game sucks. I just wasted $50." After 10 minutes I thought: "This game can't suck this bad. I must have something set wrong." The previous (analog stick) "nunchuk style" of swinging the golf club works fine. Maybe I had that selected? Nope. That's not it. Holding the wiimote horizontal and swinging from a sitting position works fine too. Maybe I have that selected? I guess NOT because I can't even find where TO select it.

After 30 minutes I thought: "This game is broken. Nice try programmer geeks, but you botched this up royally." After 60 minutes I thought: "This is just another game Tiger Woods was contractually obligated to put his name on. This game sucks. I just wasted $50."

So after an hour of trying to make a decent shot with the "TrueSwing" mechanics crap, I thought my wiimote might be malfunctioning. I switched wiimotes. No help. I changed the batteries. No help. I switched to "nunchuk-style" swinging. Works fine. I tried swinging while sitting down and moving the wiimote horizontally. Works fine. (Although you have to be careful at all times when putting, the greens are extremely slow no matter what the course conditions or caddy say.)

After three hours, I took Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 out of the Wii and played a round of Super Swing Golf. (I was proving to myself that I wasn't crazy.) Everything worked as it should.

Going back to Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07, I played another hour, trying to "get used to" the game and hopefully fine-tune my personal swing mechanic.

I finally realized that being good at a golf video game is really a hinderance in this game. I don't need to be good at video games, I need to be good at golf. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 plays very little like a video game and very much like a PGA golf simulator. That's the conclusion I've come to. This video game is a PGA golf simulator. If you're good at golf, you'll be good at this game, however if you're a video gamer with limited "real golf" experience, you won't have any fun.

I guess this game just has a steep learning curve. This is SO much harder than Super Swing Golf. This is almost unplayably hard. This is for DIE-HARD golfers only. I thought this would be fun. It isn't. It's frustrating. Just like real golf. I didn't buy what I thought, but I didn't waste $50 either.