Rent it first, the controls just arn't right.

User Rating: 6.5 | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 WII
Rent this game first the controls just don't feel right. I'm sure the next Tiger will get it right but this one falls short on the controls. Judging the distance isn't nearly so hard as they say its the doing the distance thats tough. The second you tilt the wiimote back even a little bit your golfer starts a full swing ever time. Then the second the controler starts to go in the other dirrection he swings through. The game desperately needs the full motion tracking of the wii sports games. This ultimately destroys the enjoyment of the game. Additionaly if there is any hitch or mistep of any kind in your back swing, your golfer will shank the shot. This can be very frustrating.

Play through 18 holes with a friend and then decide whether you want to buy it or not.