if you gave this any less than an 8.5 you obviously have no fun side.

User Rating: 9 | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 WII
This being the only golf game i have ever played (apart from wii sports golf) i dont have much to compare it too but i can still say this is one of the greatest games for the wii.

First off you have to make your own golfer, personally i love doing things like this because you don't always have to make someone who looks like you (even though i do) and with some time spent on it you can make a pretty good resemblance of yourself, then its off to the pro shop to choose everything from your shirt to your choice of ball.
Once you start the tiger challenge you should be pretty happy with how easy it is to pick up the controls i myself being a self confessed weekend hacker managed to hit 100% on my first drive.

To be honest i cant be arsed to write anymore about this game because it slays all don't buy super swing golf buy tiger woods pga tour 2007.