Best game have, very fun to play, sponserhips are cool and trying to get to the top. a must have game for sure! I reaaly like the mini games as they are very fun, and matchplay, online, and playing with ur mates is great. I LOVE THIS GAME! If you are into golf this game is good to help you with your real life swing asweel as you can see how tiger woods does it, as the game mimics all of the pros swings. Jim Furyks is reaaly funny to see in slow motion as he has a very bizarre swing
By SlavetodaBox | Review Date: Oct 18, 2006 | X360
I can't believe how good this years Tiger is compared to last years. The play is real easy to grasp and there are tons of things to do such as the mini games and training. This is by far and away the best Tiger. If you ... Read Full Review
Okay, first of all I am not a golf-head, I can't play it to save my life, however Links made me interested in it, and i finally got to number one (whew). I didn;t like earlier Tiger Gold because Links had so much better ... Read Full Review