Tiger should be embarrased.
User Rating: 5.3 | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 PS2
With it's multiple glitches, poor game flow and typically HORRIBLE INSTRUCTIONS. 07 has become a reason to be a football fan. Did the boys at R&D quit after working on the project half the year? This is the first tiger game I have disliked........Hello 06. This is the problem with monopolies in a particular sport, at least the Madden team is worried enough about ESPN to put out a good product. Wow, hope you well sleeping at night. As far as gameplay, it's slow.....but we have come to expect that at times from EA. Having team play as your only real way to earn anything substancial makes for many hours of doing the same thing over and over (Hey it;s not your fault, is really, REAlLY hard to come up with new ideas. Especially if it's your job). I've read some of the other reviews, and the blandness tells me they are being loyal to EA (like you have been good to them?) than the product. And if I sound harsh I think we have a reason, the kids in my group home had two different car washs to raise the money for this game. But hey, that doesn't affect the souless of corporate America. See you next year tiger......NOT.