Graghics settings on the wii made the difference, componet wires, 480p, 16:9 (widescreen) 42inch hdtv.
User Rating: 8.3 | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 WII
1. graphics, i played this game for weeks at regular setting and on a 1080p hdtv 16:9 and i thought ok not bad. Until silly me i set the wii to 16:9 ratio put componet wires and put resolution to 480p and i must say all games look much better, i did take pics of the different setting graghics and colors look way better. (keep in mind that the wii's highest output is 480p so even though you may have a 1080p hdtv that's all you get).
2. Once you get used to the remote and how to hit the ball game is alot of fun. Wind speed may say 12left or right and sometimes (less then more) even if you hit the ball 110% straight it may or may not go to left or right.
Game play i do spend alot of hours playing and you may notice some game bugs but the fun factor over rules this.