Is this Next Gen? Don't look it to me....
So I bought Tiger for the PS3 looking forward to improved graphics, game play and online gaming. Graphics.
The same as 360. With no noticeable frame rate increase. Tiger looks reasonably well defined, but not that stunning. The other characters look average. Every now and then your when you land in one place you jump to another. I have landed on the green only to find on my next shot I am in the rough.
Game play.
The same as 360. Except I notice some strange quirks. Like the comentators say things like "looks like he's on the green", after you land on the green, infact most of the comentary happens after the event..... Online Play.
Now this seems reasonbly good. Whilst, the online is free, it is not as friendly as Xbox live. But once you get a game going with some one then the game gets to be real fun. The joy you get as your opponent on the other side of the earth goes out of bounds is wonderful. This game is average at best. I am sure the Xbox 360 version is just as average, but with better online functionality. The online gaming saves it from the bin.
The PS3 needs it's version of Gears of War, Halo, God of War etc. Ain't got much yet, and don't tell me it's Resistance, because it ain't I know cos I've had that since it came out.