This franchise isn't making great strides in the world of Golf games, but it is still a solid game. The changes to the swing are minimal, but do take some getting used to from the original XBOX versions. You can still customize the players looks, but gone is the course customization. That is not a big deal to me, but some people may miss that. I never spent much time changing the courses around, I was too interested in completing the season as the biggest winner. I do like the new side games that are offered. They are quite challenging, and make for an interesting way to learn the nuances of your shots, and you also receive points for the achievements that you can unlock. The equipment and apparel prices have changed to a more reasonable price, but the attribute increases these items have are quite different. It is very difficult to get the top level on all your characters different attributes. It takes a bit of studying to get everything to 110%. The graphics look very good and the animations are still funny and the sounds are up to "par". For me, it is still the best Golf sim available. Later, Tater.
By SlavetodaBox | Review Date: Oct 18, 2006 | X360
I can't believe how good this years Tiger is compared to last years. The play is real easy to grasp and there are tons of things to do such as the mini games and training. This is by far and away the best Tiger. If you ... Read Full Review
Okay, first of all I am not a golf-head, I can't play it to save my life, however Links made me interested in it, and i finally got to number one (whew). I didn;t like earlier Tiger Gold because Links had so much better ... Read Full Review