Team tour is a fun new mode, but bugs and lack of innovation bog '07 down.

User Rating: 6.6 | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 PC
Initially it's tempting to give Tiger Woods PGA Tour '07 a good review merely based on the vast improvement of Team Tour mode over last years. However, '07 has numerous problems that temper the success of the release.

First of all it's buggy. Just go over to the EA forums to see how frustrated people many people get just to try and get the game running. Once you do get it running some bugs also crop up.

The audio commentary suffers from the same bugs it has for years. Announcers will often make inaccurate statements about This is fairly minor bug, but the fact that it has gone so long without being corrected is just embarrassing.

The A.I. has not seen any improvement either. It seems as though there was little testing to see if the A.I. could play some of the new courses competently.

Additionally TW lacks the key utilities that PC golfers have come to expect as standard in games: a career (season) editor and a course editor. These omissions severely limit the reply value of the release, particularly with the limited number of courses the PC version ships with.

Finally there is just an all out lack of innovation. Browsing forums I've seen users requesting things like caddies, improved game mechanics, larger galleries, etc. It seems like every year EA comes out touting a new game mode or new special feature, but really a lot of golfers just want a bug-free game with solid tour mode. In the five years that they have been unrivaled in the Golf market they have failed to deliver.