Great upstep to Wii golf on Wii Sports! A definate winner and fin to play!
I enjoyed playign the game and the gameplay was pretty good, the courses had a great design to them and for a Wii game the graphics were pretty cool! The unfortunate thing is that I have played this game on XBOX360 as well and on that version you can create a player and design them to look like you or your friends! That made that version so much better than the Wii version. In the Wii version you can only play as Tiger Woods with different shirt colors... BORING! It owuld be nice to design your own golfer like on 360 where you can.
Otherwise, tha game is great! It is fun to play and takes Wii Sports golfing up a few notches. Awesome gameplay and a great deal as I believe there are newer versions so this one wouldn't cost you much to snag!