Better than Tiger Woods 2004 on the PC... but that's not saying much.

User Rating: 6.5 | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 PC
I own Tiger Woods 2007 on the Xbox 360 & enjoy that a lot! It's a great game of golf & I can play it with my family when they come to visit and we always have a great time. However, it's definitely a console game compared to the PC golf games of old.

On the PC, the last Tiger Woods game I bought was 2004, and that's getting pretty old these days. So I decided to pick up the 2008 PC version. From everything I've heard, if you have the 2006 or 2007 version, don't bother wasting your money on 2008. However, if you've like me & you haven't picked up a Tiger Woods game on the PC for years, then 2008 isn't a bad purchase. I can't say it's a particularly good purchase either, but it's entertaining enough.

The PC gameplay is much more simulation oriented than arcade (consoles) style. It took me awhile before I could hit the ball decently & putt decently, whereas the console version is total pick-up-and-play. It's a lot less forgiving of mistakes in swings than it's console counterpart. Having a dozen or so matches under my belt now, I'm fairing better on the courses.

The graphics are easily better than Tiger Woods 2004, but they still look incredibly dated by any PC gaming standards of today. Remember back in the late 90s when golf games were some of the absolute best graphics out there? Well, forget any kind of wish like that. Except for the fact that you can crank the resolution up to 1900x1200, I'd swear the graphic quality was PS2 era.

All in all, it's not a bad game, but there are miles and miles of room for improvement in this series. As it is, I probably won't buy another Tiger Woods on the PC anytime soon. Pick it up used on eBay (like I did) or buy it on sale, but I wouldn't waste a full price purchase on this.