Tiger Woods 10 not only demonstrates the accuracy of Wii MotionPlus, but also delivers a solid package on all fronts.
The Good:
> Incredible gameplay that truly mimics the swing of your golf club.
> A large spread of game modes for different opportunities of play.
> Disk Golf is a welcomed addition and is great with friends.
> Impressive Online that actually got me to WATCH golf.
> Little features like the real weather make it even better.
The Bad:
> Visuals need improvement. Dull and unimpressive.
> Music is godawful.
> Sound design needs improvement overall. Very Bland.
> Disk Golf lacks the depth of real Golf.
Gameplay: 9.5
Tiger Woods 10 is the first golf game to use Wii's new motion-enhanced accessory, and if this is just the beginning, I can't wait to see what improvements they make in the coming years. What makes the gameplay shine are definitely the controls, that, depending on what control setting you put into place, accurately translate even the smallest amount of angle change, strength, and back swing. If it's a joy just to fail and see how terrible you can make your shot, imagine what it's like when you succeed: Pure rapture. An odd little feature was added that lets you add spin to the ball by shaking the remote in the direction you want it to go. It's not reality, but it adds a bit of last-minute precision that makes your shot seem sometimes bearable. It's very arcade-like, and I like it. Beyond the controls, the physics are accurate and do what you think they would aiding the gameplay even more.
There are, however, a few problems with Disk Golf. The developers seemed to have one thing in mind for Disk Golf: Party mode for college kids. Sadly, that means that you can throw almost any shot and have it go in the correct general direction. Testing it, I blindfolded myself, spun around three times and threw the disk only for it to end just as close as it would have on a normal throw. I repeated this a few times and it kept landing in the same general spot despite different angles, positions, power levels, etc. It's fun, but not the same fun as golf due to the lack of depth. Still a blast with friends though.
Graphics: 7.0
Very bland, dirty, boring and uninspired graphics. There are a lot of things you can do with realism, but this game sticks to jaggies, one color-tones and terrible effects. The graphics are nothing but serviceable.
Sound: 5.0
If Tiger Woods needed to improve anything, it's its sound. The music is dreadfully common and doesn't get you excited to play a round of golf at all. The composer probably didn't care about this project, which is a shame, because Tiger Woods 10 could have offered the entire package, but fails.
The sound design in general is very dull. Perhaps the sounds are realistic, but why am I playing a video game? I have the gameplay of true golf, but give me more "oomph" with my shots, more "thud" with my ball's landing, and more accurate reactions with my crowd.
Replay Value: 9.5
Incredible replay value. The reason to buy this game is because of how much it truly offers. There are 27 courses to play, a beefy career mode, online modes to mess around with, pro golfers to play up against while watching the real game, competitive multiplayer to destroy your friends in, and an advanced controller setting to master. This is one HUGE package. You will be playing forever.
Overall: 8.5
Tiger Woods 10 offers a big package with some incredible gameplay that begs you to play more. If you don't care about presentation, graphics or sound, buy this game immediately. It's a blast!