This game is amazing heres why
User Rating: 10 | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 WII
Ok this game is amazing you can make your own player do real live events with the pros Real time weather. Its just amazing. And its like you golfing for real. The multiplayer is the greatest i have ever played for the Wii. You can do tournaments or public matches to get ranked. A MUST have wii game. Buy the Wii motion plus with it it makes it that much better. If you dont have a Wii go buy one and get this game. It is probably the funnest game to have ever been made. If your a golfer you should definitely buy this game. Its just like going to a golf course and playing there. Also to top this game off you can play frisbee golf. You can do party mode witch is pretty fun. This whole game is just one huge fun fest. If i had to be stuck with one game for the rest of my life it would be with this one for sure.