Fans of the movie..and Tim Burton will love this game.

User Rating: 8.6 | Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge XBOX
If you enjoyed The Nightmare before Christmas, you are going to love this game. I picked this up, rather my girlfriend wanted it and I was like cool, I loved the movie so sure. I am completely amazed at just how fun it is to be Jack and to smash around skeletons for combos. Everyone from the movie is in this game so far as I can see, the Mayor, the Clown, the witch sisters the Doctor, Sally, and the best part the voice acting is done by the people who did the movie. The music is all there just like the movie. Graphic wise this game isnt mindblowing but it looks good, it does justice to the Burton style and just looks nice. Gameplay wise, the controls are super easy to use, X and Y for you attack moves, B for Jump and dodge type moves and A for searching stuff. I havent gotten too far yet , but this game is just plain fun and just nice to play, If you enjoyed the movie you will most likely enjoy this game, I totally recommend it.