User Rating: 6.2 | Time Crisis 3 (w/GunCon2) PS2
MAN THIS GAME STINKS!!!!May be somthing is rong with my guncon.I have to go so damn close to the damn t.v. to let it work and if there is a bad guy on the side of the screen then I can`t shoot it and thats not all I have 30:seconds to do it our you will lose a damn life!But some times the guncon gets back to normal:Witch mostly never happens happens some times:(!!The game gets fun and fast paced:).The graphics are pretty good,the charecters are really detailed and the frame rate never slows down on any spot in the gameand the lighting afects are good,but they used rong voices on every charecter and the voice acting is okay but not great.theres not that much replay value in the game even if you open up extras but the story is superb,but wait!!There`s othere problems that await.The multi player stinks,the screen is so small that I cant see a thing and thats not all the game even lied at me.It said it had Time Cis-es1 and 2.The game is fun but has alot of problems. I give it a 6-10 by:Timothy Marco it