Good Game, Reasonable Storyline, Great Multiplayer, Unfortunetely A Bit Short But Good Game All-Round

User Rating: 7 | Time Crisis 4 PS3
This is the first Time Crisis now on the PS3, it come with a new alien like G-Con gun that feature two side start and select buttons, rear aiming joystick and calibration and option keys and and the front side a movement joystick and action controls, it much more thatn the original G-Con 2 but it suites the game, the game firstly can be a bit of a troble as it now comes with LED sensors that you place on the sides of the TV, the calibration at the start can be long as its hard to find the right angle sometimes, once you sort that out the game can get a bit addictive for a while, the aiming isnt as good as the PS2 version but new feature also now offer a new way to play these include such thigns as time challenge battles using the gun to move, this doesnt seam to be that effective but you can use the front joystick instead, the game features 3 stages, and is quite easy to complete, multiplayer is great and new features such as complete missions is now available and crisis missions are still there