Stick to paying 75 cents a turn at an arcade, because this is an arcade experience RIP-OFF!!!

User Rating: 5 | Time Crisis 4 PS3
Let me make it snappy, Ps3 + Guncon3 controller= B.S! I mean cmon this was supposed to be a hit game! I spent 60 bucks of my b-day money and played this 4 one night at a party and that was it. The controller is probably the cheapest thing ever, and the game itself is terrible. I give it a 5 because it really should get a LITTLE bit of praise, and some people will like it a little more than me. But really ps3, why would you make a WIRED controller thats like 2 ft long wen you have a built in bluetooth device/reader. Oh and did i mention that you need 2 sensors at the top of the TV that make it look like crap. I can tell you that this is a game that you should play at a party and have fun and get it over with, because the fun jolts out of you within a day on this game. Seriously, its short, terrible controls/gun, and bad graphics and nothing like an arcade experience. Stick to the arcades guys, this is a total jip for your money