Not an arcade without this game!
I am a little unsure of the storyline, but it has something to do with a satellite network that will... Uhhh... I don't know what it does, but it's evil. All satellites in video games are. Anyhow, you play as Robert or Keith, depending on which coloured gun you pick, and you run through shooting an endless amount of multicoloured bad guys. Here's a tip, look out for the yellow ones, they're always in the distance, and only stay for about three seconds, but you get 5000 points for getting them. You have three levels, which are split up into sections, which each have some massive obstacle, be it a personell carrier, a tank, a boss, the list goes on. Each is different, and will keep you on your toes, even if you're a veteran of the game.
The graphics are what you'd expect from a 1998 title, but the amount of stuff that is going on compensates for the graphical drop. The music is the stereotypical rock-action-movie deal, with some movie-opera-stuff, and little action-techno for good measure. It all comes together nicely, and makes you feel like an action hero. The voicing on the other hand, is a little sub par, but there is little talking anyway, so it's forgivable.
The game's best point is the gun. Many games use the same features, and other Namco games have almost the same gun, but Time Crisis 2 just works well with the gun. Don't ask why, if you play it, you'll see what I mean.
My only major complaint is the difficulty. I rarely go into arcades, and when I do, Time Crisis 2 is the game I go to play, but I normally only have enough change for the first level. I normally die early in the second level, and I don't have enough money. I've only ever finished it once at a birthday party when we had unlimited games, and I had ninety-nine credits.
Overall, Time Crisis 2 is a classic. It's simplistic point and shoot gameplay works brilliantly, and you will definitely want to play through to the end, when the game gets especially fun. Trust me.