Editor's Say - "Decent" "You can't go wrong with Time Crisis 2" Find out what i thought...
Time Crisis 2 – PS2 review by Simon a.k.a. [TheDevilDweller]
Time Crisis 2 is an arcade style shooting game, and a really good one I might add. Time Crisis is the type of game you want really play for hours and hours, or even days but it's still a fun game to play and even more fun and satisfying with friends over, and oh yeah… it's got a kick ass soundtrack.
The story is a no brainer. Time is running out and you mission is to rescue an undercover agent being held hostage by a bunch of trigger-happy arms dealers. Time Crisis is also the type of game that you don't really care about the story. All you want to do (and the real main point of Time Crisis) is to shoot the crap out of everything you see on the screen.
The graphics are pretty decent for a PS2 game, but there are definitely way better looking games out on the PS2.
The game-play is the main aspect of Time Crisis. Time Crisis 2 can be played with the normal PS2 controls, or the gun controls whether it being the G-con 2 or the G-con45. It's more fun using the gun controller naturally, I mean you can plug in two gun controllers and use both of them at once if you wish which is pretty cool, but it's still a load of fun ether way. As you start the game the main theme starts up and it's just awesome. The main theme kind of reminds me of the main theme from the movie Speed with Keanu Reeves and Dennis Hopper, and the music from stage 2 kind of reminds me of a theme from the movie The Rock with Nicolas Cage and Sean Connery, which are also awesome but whatever.
You have the arcade mode, which consists of three stages each with a different theme and boss fights, as well as extra games, which is really all about testing you aiming and quickness skills. There are 4 extra game modes and each mode can be played using the normal PS2 controller, but the modes are really made for using a gun controller. Agent Trainer, Quick and Crash, Shoot Away 2 as well as an extra mode to unlock, which all consists of you hitting and shooting a target as fast as you can.
On the main arcade there are a variety of enemies and they're pretty random, although they kind of remind me of the genome soldiers from Metal Gear Solid but whatever. Each guard (or "genome soldiers") look different by colours. The blue guards are your standard guards, the red one have better aim, the grey (or white) once normally have machine guns whilst everyone else has a normal hand guns, the yellow once are the once that like to run away in the far distance, which if you managed to hit one of them you'll rank up a lot of points. There are also enemies that throw grenades at you and once that jump flat in your face and try to stab you. The boss fights are pretty sceptical. They attack you and your partner in turns. If you're playing the game on your own, the computer feels the need to aid you in the game as the second player. The boss battles can be quite easy. All you really have to do is duck down, wait for the boss to attack your computer partner, when you jump out and land a few hits and then repeat. It's much easier with two players where you can just take turns. Through out the game your weapon is a standard pistol, which is pretty elaborate. There are other weapons in the game i.e. a machine gun that you can use, but you don't really have much of a choice in achieving them and the standard weapon is really just mandatory. You have unlimited ammunition through out the game, except for weapons you pick up, they have limited ammo. There are three buttons you use while playing the game. The left thumb stick move the crosshairs on the screen, which basically acts the same as you aiming with a gun controller except with the gun controls is more accurate and obviously, more satisfying. Ether on the control or the gun controls you have the dodge button and the fire button. The fire button obviously is used to shoot at your target (yeah, that's what it's for) and the dodge Dutton is used to dodge, take cover and reload your weapon. The camera is fix, so you really don't have any freedom to move the character except of the crosshair on screen, which requires you to shoot all enemies on the screen in order to move to the next sequence. You have a time limit so every sequence and if the time limit goes to zero, the game is over. Through out the game you are limited to 5 lives each (if your playing two player mode) once all your lives are gone, the game is over. If your playing two-player mode and one of you lose all your lives, the other player continues with whatever lives he (or she) has left. The game is fun, but can be quite challenging as well, and if it's not challenging enough for you, there is a hard difficulty mode you to play, which basically make the enemies faster and have way better aim. There are a few silly problems with the game but really probably nothing to really call them "problems", for instance at the end of stage 1 when your facing the boss, your on a speedboat and your chasing the boss along a river bank. You have no control over your speedboat and it just moves automatically. Along with you trying to shoot the boss, enemies are coming from everywhere also on speed boat as well as divers. You'll notice that none of the enemies are actually steering the boats. It's like there's an invisible drive both on your speedboat and the enemies. Speaking of enemies the divers can swimming fast then you can? You see a diver swimming past your boat and them jump in the air like a dolphin and shoot you with good aim. Now that's what you call an elite solider! The game is way past the realistic stage, but that's ok because its Time Crisis, and it get away with it.
Overall Time Crisis 2 is a fun little arcade game, and it deserves the good 7/10 mark. The gameplay is fun especially with friends over. The main arcade mode is a good length, not to short and not to long. The sound effects are pretty decent. The soundtrack is kick ass and really is your motivation going. If you have friends over every now and again for a games night or whatever, you can't go wrong with Time Crisis 2.
Story - 4/10
Life Value - 4/10
Presentation – 5/10
Graphics – 6.5/10
Atmosphere – 5/10
Game-Play – 8/10
Controls – 8/10
Sound Effects – 7.5/10
Concept – 7/10
Time Crisis 2 – PS2 review by Simon a.k.a. [TheDevilDweller]