Adorable and hilarious!
The game is depicted in old-school anime style, which is very fitting for its generally comical appeal. Every move by Reika requires you to press the proper button at the right time. Although it may seem rather tame, this is actually an adrenaline-filled experience since, for the most part, the time-window you have to press the correct button is really short. But Time-Gal does not stop there, for if it did, it would be mostly frustrating. Pressing the wrong button, or delaying your action, will result in Reika dying, but she dies in very comical and sometimes laugh-out-loud scenarios, and therefore you might find yourself looking forward to the death-scenes (if one may even call them that!) as much as you are looking forward to completing the level. I do not think there is much of a soundtrack to this game, but the sound effects are excellent and very fitting to the general atmosphere. Lots of fun, for sure!