What a fantastic little puzzle game. Though short, this is now in my "Top 10 Puzzlers" of all-time, next to "The Sexy Brutale" and heavy-weight "The Talos Principle", to give an idea of how much I enjoyed it.
Solving a puzzle here feels like cheating on a Stealth-Action game; the main mechanics is that you can rewind or forward time at will, so you can time narrow escapes perfectly. Once you solve a level, you can then watch the action unfold in real time, and it looks really cool, with all those impressive moves you carefully built. This might sound repetitive (there is a lot of trial and error for your timings if you want to solve a level in a time-efficient way), but the well thought-out interface makes it very easy to advance or rewind a few frames at a time until you get it just right.
Also, the puzzles had a perfect difficulty level for me -- they had me thinking hard at times, and every so often I needed a new idea, but I never had to look up solutions of anything. The story is only hinted at, but has a few well done dramatic moments.
Finally, I thought the last few puzzles to be brilliant -- they caught me off-guard, but adapting to the new challenges made up for great playing moments, the kind you want to tell other people about.
Score: 88/100.