An entertaining shooter at the very least
the premesis of this game is some kind of future totalitatian government being overthrown in some sort of rebellion, where there are two time shifting suits made, one used by you, the other by some evil character who wants to overthrow everything and everyone. the way i would describe it is a cross between half life 2 and fear.
One area where this game delivers more than others is in the visuals department, and although they arent as good as some recent releases, the settings can me maxed on a fairly modest rig. my p4. 2.8ghz, 1.5 gigs ram, and 8600gt had the game running smoothly at close to max settings at a decent resolution. the physics are also immpressive, with partially destructible environments and ragdolls that surpass crysis in spectacular deaths.
the gameplay, while at times repetative, is usually entertaining. there are a vast variety of weapons, most of them very fun to use, and enemies burst into a bloody mess at seemingly little provication. even after they are dead. there are a few simple puzzles thrown in here and there, but they don't really add or take away to the game. there just there. the time shifting abilities create endless fun in firefights, especially if you are a sick twisted bastard like me, who enjoys watching people burn to death, then rewind it so you can see it again.
overall i would reccomend this game to anyone who is bored, or just looking for a game to play while some more major titles are being developed. i havent played the mp so i can't comment on that, but the single player is rather lengthy, and you will feel you will have got your moneys worth by the end of it.