Three Words TIMESHIFT IS ADDICTIVE great shoting and aswome online play is of the best around. But a pretty bad story.
No it dosn't have a great story.
No it dosn't have multiplayer.
However it is just plain fun.
For example each gun has two features. The first weopon you recieve is a handheld machine gun... with a rocket launcher. Whoever came up with that idea is a genius. Then there is a special feature which lets you control the fabric of time. Now movies which contain the time control stuff are usely pretty crap. But this is just brilliant. Just yesterday i slowed time and then fired a grenade at the enemy. He slowly looks at his feet and prepares to duck for cover. But before he could it explodes. Watching his burnt and bloody body fly slowly towards the wall is some of the most fun you'll ever have.
Then there is the way this game looks. The graphics in this game takes full use of the playstations hardware. It is stunning.
This is one of the games where you want to invite your mates over just to show them whats happening.
So if you are looking for great shooter with awsome online play and some of the best graphics and sound effects around this is a great game for you. For everyone else give it a miss.