It's worth a try but the novelty wears thin.
However one thing that is very impressive about this game is its graphics and technology. It makes great use to all forms of physics and has nice little attention to details that make it stand out and very pretty to both look at and experience. Windows shatter in segments, bodies flop around and roll off of surfaces as expected and there is even some environmental damage here and there too. Rain will hit and drip off of your screen, and over all the environments themselves are nicely detailed too, and if you get close to an enemy and shoot them with a weapon that packs a punch it's nicely emphasized with a splatter of blood to your face.
So the violence level of the game is pretty graphic and are convincing without being too over the top. Heads do get shot off and the enemy does explode into various gib sizes when they hit with explosives and the likes.
The "Time Shift" is clever and useful but often is too short to really take much advantage of. While this provides an excellent challenge and makes you think more about how to use this feature it's a double edged blade in that it can also be one of the game's more frustrating aspects.
Story wise...I'll have to admit it started off promisingly enough. SPOILER ALERT! The ending though I thought could of used a bit more work. For some it may be "good enough" to let slide but then again let's face it, first person shooters haven't always had the greatest of endings over all.
TimeShift does have a multiplayer option too. But since I only played the single player game I can't say how good or bad the multiplayer is nor be able to tell you what to expect or...well pretty much anything at all about it. I can, however, tell you that it may be worth at least trying and even getting the game just for the multiplayer alone. But it is, from what I understand, a short lived multiplayer experience. You'd have to try it for yourselves though to know for sure.
There are vehicles in the game which handle well and are fun to use. Unfortunately you don't really get to use them a great deal nor is there a very large variety of vehicles available to you over all.
And finally we have the weapons. Now these are another thing that keep the game alive and interesting as there are some originally thought out variety of them. Needless to say some of the old classics such as the shotgun and pistol (though physically different) are also present each weapon has a primary and secondary fire. And you have some original ones like the uzi-flamethrower-thing. It's a flamethrower. That acts like an uzi or submachine gun. You really need to play the game or watch some videos of the weapon to know what I mean. But there are a limited amount of weapons you get in the game and though some of them are original and a joy to use unfortunately there aren't many weapons to choose from and use. While this is another aspect of the game which makes it a little more challenging in terms of decision making on the run at least a couple more weapons added to the game wouldn't have hurt.
So is it TimeShift a bad game? Not really. It's actually fun to play as I stated at the start of this review. It's just not what I would say is fantastic. The graphics are brilliant and will survive the ages, the technology aspect of the game is great but it's the game's storyline that got me. Not because the story was bad but in the way it was executed. It started off great but then ended in a bit of an anticlimax.
I wouldn't let that stop you from playing the game though. Did I mention it was fun?
- Wolven Claw Peacemaker