Timeshift is put to shame with the releases of Halo 3 and Call Of Duty 4 etc.But if you got time give this a playthrough

User Rating: 6 | TimeShift X360
The Graphics are decent, but everything just has a cheesy look that almost screams out mediocrity! The godawful character designs and animations are embarrasing. The Recycled levels cannot be hidden through a new coat of colors and weather. And to top it all up some of the textures are just not acceptable. Gameplay- This is where Timeshift peaks a small light. The gameplay is pretty good! The weapons at your disposal is the highlight of the game, they all look cool, reload cool, and kill the crap out of your enemies cool. Theyre not extremely different from other weapons youve used in other games, but there pretty darn fun to use. The Time powers are meh, you could get through the game with only your slow motion power, with the exception of some pointless puzzles that require time pausing and rewind. Sound- The weapons sounds are pretty well done, voicework not so well done, and story also not so well done. Mediocre at best. Overall-
After playing this game I felt as though I wasted my time, and when a game leaves that last impression on you, its not good. Timeshift was never meant to be a revolutionary game, but it will keep you entertained for a bit. Yet I cannot reccomend this game.