Way better than Crysis

User Rating: 8 | TimeShift (2007) PC
IMHO, this is the best shooter of the year. No hype, just a run & gun shooter with interesting time effects thrown in. It doesnt do much extraordinary, but what it does, it does extremely well. Solid, satisfying gameplay, OK graphics (exceptionally good physics - just loved watching bodies & body parts pirouette majestically in the air in slo-mo when in time-slow mode). Good weapons - the crossbow & the plasma blaster are great. Best of all - NO BUGS! (hear that, Crytek - it is possible to release a game with minimal hype AND minimal bugs). Main problems - ridiculously long load times, crap story and some of the time puzzles were annoying - but I'll play it any day before the over-hyped, bug-ridden disaster that is Crysis (And it was 30 bucks cheaper to boot). In short, a whole lotta fun, with no pretensions to grandeur.