Great graphs and sound but gameplay and story need some work! (I AM TALKING ABOUT THE MEGA WEAK GUNS) ...cheaper
now on to the game the story, well in the atari version the character had a name now he doesnt so lets just say that sierra is ripping half life 2 so your character is a scientist that some how teleported to the future like hl2 and has to take out an older scientist that leads the city and armored cops vs rebels and you get a crossbow with zoom and you ll hear stuff like " to all unregistered citizens" and in the beggining youllfight inside the city empty river damn and be chased by cops just like hl2 and later in countryside in a rebel assault! the game has good size and nice mp!
the graphs look great in terms of artistic and use advanced rendering and shader technologies, so you wont need an 8800 card to max it out, the sound is pretty good too! ALSO IT HAS AWESOME LEVELS and tiem puzzles in which you got to use time to avoid getting killed!
AND NOW.... the bad points the gameplay could ahve been better,
before i speak for gameplay there is something weird with the mouse look it aint very smoothly like its ripped from a console,
the gameplay could be considered descent and it makes this 8 shooter to get 7.7 from me id give it 7.8 but the ending sucks you gotta avoid artillery and blow up turrrents and then you see a vid in which you shot the bad guy to the head...WHAT THATS IT?
so the cool guns you gut like the assault rilfe which is REALLY weak you gotta shoot someone 7 times to die thats way too long and they bleed all the time but they dont die it just looks iddiotic to shoot some one again and again and AGAIN....DAMN IT DIE ALREADY(funny part, AND ANNOYING)
AND AGAIN( you get the point?) i mean if you shoot to the head you need to shots with blood over helemet, zzzzzz a 3rd shot to pop the helmet and a fianl one to kill him, PLZ GET SERIOUS YOU COULD MAKE THSI MORE REALISTIC! so if you think that youll paly fear and use slo mo to headshot everyone you are WRONG for some annoying reason waht you do in game is slow mo, move fast shooooooot , shoooott, "reload" and then shoot again to kill one guy, kinda annoying dont you think? also the game doesnt help, back then in doom 3 the smg had 60 bullets EVERY DAMN SCI FI FPS HAS MORE THAN 30 BULLETS WHY DONT YOU? now the ai is considered agressive eg they climb a base gate and fence to come and kill me but they dont come behind the barracade that i take cover to falnk me, MEN i cant believe that THEY CLIMBET A WHOLE GATE TO GET CLOSER TO ME, YOU COULD JUST GET DEFENSIVE POSITIONS AND WAIT FOR ME TO TRY TO STORM THE BASE! also there moving very fast and shoot you right away eg a sniper has a rilfe with laser and youll see that no matter how you move he always has the lasersight tight on you, ehmm not smart ai.... also sometimes they run at me trying to meele but you can move backwards and take them out LOL now the bad thing is that in mp you get armro but not in sp BUT THEY GOT so few shots and you are dead but you gotta take out haubndrends and since gunsare really weak and they are really tough, and you cant headshot with slow mo, plus that the ai doesnt know to do anything else expect to place EVERY SHOT IN YOU EVERY m/sec it turns "DUMB" to try to kill enemies that klll you with few shots and if you are at their visible range you automaticly lose health all the time and they dont die not even with headshots, imagine this : there m aby times that enemies suround you in wide areas or fly with jetpack and shoot you from above plus the fact that guns dont work and they dont die but they all "drain" health from you, and it will be really had to spot them and hit them, eve kill them while they only "exist" and killing you jsut cuz there there, tthat means that you live as long as you can take damage x number of enemies = "dying faster" since you cnat avoid their shots or headshot them it turns inot dump gameplay and thats propably why it got 6.5, but everything else is great and thats why it got about 8 from users , so you got to use time slow to slow your death a bit, ehmm i prefer fear!
time stop is a power that stops time for quite a few time, enough time to grab an enemy's weapon and shot him 1,2,3,4,5,6 times to THE HEAD AND MAYBE HE DIES AFTER YOU RESUME TIME, ANNOYING ISNT IT? yeah it annoys me too.. so timesfhit supose to be a game that yoy can stop time and headshot everyone BUT THAT DOESNT HAPPEN ! and thast why it gets a bad gameplay rating for me, but dude dont you think ai and time tricks are cool?
actually ai works this way, how to make ai that kicks the asses of everyone? they turn you weak and nude with no armor and give you water pistols to take out ai that locks its aim on you and never stop shooting (very realsitic) and can spot you from everywhere like you got a "TARGET LOCK" red sign on you , and the game gives you the ability to slow or stop tme for a while and deliver some more weak attacks instead of being a NORMAL FPS and play fair! well nio thanks ill passs id like the crap to be removed and let me play normally,
well am not hardcore fan of timesfhitiong so id prefer noraml gameaply or slow mo and haeashots and realsim balanced gameplay, but i dont think its times(f)hit, everything is grea expect comabt and story, eg you can "hardly stop in incoming roacket or use time reserve to avoid an exlplotion but the game works like good and bad... eg its less damage to blow a grenade on you or a rocket that getting shotted all the time from enemies with the weakest guns, and the timeshifting energy doesnt give you that much limits, its gettin depleted fast, quite ownestly id like to be palyable even without slo mo and use those abilities for support eg to stop a rocket, but it has its point eg you can reverse time and save an ally that he wil die however id like to blow up a tank or a mech sentry, but nah..... anywawy the game throw moments like a train coming and you pressing tiem stop top avoid or fallinf from a bfridge and using reverese, if you wonderi n mp you sue time grenades since you cnat stop the whole match.... and again
shooooott he is fallind back shoooot hes falling down "reload" he is down and am shooting him to the head 1,2,3,4,5 and a couple more time AND HE IS TILL ALIVE!!!!.....anoying isnt it?
thats all what you need to know about the agme in case you wondering waht is it about waht is bad good the graphs the story the ai the game the levels, revewed by someone who doesnt love it or hate it,
personally i dint mind the powers i ahted the weapn damage and a bit the ai (the gameaplay) but i loved the graphs and the levels the thing that left me careless was the story since it gets a bit bad later on!